Rovo usage quota
To ensure optimal performance and fair usage across all users, Rovo has two quotas.
Quota types
Rovo’s quota types are:
Objects: Individual items indexed through your Rovo connectors. An object may be a document (Sharepoint, Google Drive), a chat thread (Slack, Teams), a webpage (Custom website), or any other single indexable item from any of the Rovo connectors.
Requests: The number of requests sent to Rovo Chat or Rovo Agents from you or your teammates.
Rovo’s quotas are set by the number of billed user Rovo licenses your organization holds. What is considered a Rovo billable user?
Quota type | Amount |
Objects | 1500 per billed user (pooled across your organization) |
Requests | 250 per billed user per month (pooled across your organization) |
For example, if your organization has 200 billed users, you can:
index up to 300,000 objects (200 users * 1500 limit)
make 50,000 requests per month (200 users * 250 limit)
The requests limit resets when your billing period ends or monthly for annual subscriptions. You may not bank or accumulate unused portions for subsequent billing periods.
For a limited time, users have access within the Atlassian Acceptable Use Policy. In future, usage beyond these quotas will incur additional charges based on consumption. At that time, organization admins will have tools to monitor and manage consumption and will be able to purchase additional capacity.
Adding users to a site with Rovo increases your bill
Keep in mind that all unique users of any new product you add to a Rovo-activated site will increase your quota, but also count towards your Rovo bill.
This includes adding unique users to free versions of Jira, Jira Service Management, or Confluence, but only if those products are on sites with Rovo activated.
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