View a definition
To view definitions, you need access to Confluence on the site you're working on.
You can see a definition in Jira and Confluence by either:
Selecting a highlighted term that Rovo has automatically recognised as an acronym or company-specific keyword
Highlighting any other text and choosing Define.
Rovo will then search Confluence on your current site for the most likely definition.
You will not see definitions automatically highlighted on Confluence pages you created.
Definitions in Google docs
With the Rovo browser extension, terms in your Google docs will also highlighted when the term is recognised as an acronym or company-specific keyword. More on the Rovo browser extension
Turn off definition highlighting
If you’d prefer, you can turn off highlighting for definitions (either determined by Rovo or added by your teammates).
To turn off definition highlighting:
Go to the view mode of a Confluence page or a Jira issue, highlight any word.
Select Define.
Once the definition appears, select the More actions (•••) button at the top right of the card.
Toggle on Don’t recommend definitions at all.
Turning off definition highlighting only changes your personal settings and won’t impact your teammates.
If you turn off highlights, you'll still be able to manually highlight a term and select Define. You can also turn on highlighting again from this popup.
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