Add custom fields to your project

For custom fields that exist in Jira more broadly; Jira Work Management currently only supports a limited set of custom field types at the moment.

In addition to the default fields that exist in your project, you can create other fields you’d like to include in your project.

Users can create fields in two ways:

  1. In company-managed projects, Jira admins will create fields in their settings.

  2. In team-managed projects, they can do the above plus create fields while on list view.


Custom fields in a company-managed project

Only Jira admins can set up custom fields that can be used in your list view for company-managed projects.

You’ll need to add custom fields to your company-managed project to be able to view them in your project. Learn more about creating custom fields for your company-managed project

You can currently add the following custom fields to your project:

  • Date picker

  • Date time picker

  • Number field

  • Select field (single select)

  • Select field (multiple select)

  • Text field (single line)

  • Text fields (multi-line)

  • URL field

  • Labels

  • Checkbox

  • User picker (single and multi-user)

Custom fields in a team-managed project

Only project admins can set up custom fields that can be used for team-managed projects.

You’ll need to add custom fields to your team-managed project to be able to view them in your list. Learn more about how to create custom fields in team-managed projects.

More custom fields will be added over time to give you and your team more flexibility in viewing specific information in your list.

Filter by custom fields

You can also filter by the following types of custom fields in your project:

  • Single select

  • Checkbox

  • Multi-select

  • User picker (company-managed project only)

  • People field (team-managed project only)

  • Custom date

Learn more about filtering items in your project

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