• Documentation

Writing and reviewing content with Rovo Agents

When you’re editing or writing content (like a Confluence page or a Jira issue description), you can loop in a Rovo Agent to review, rephrase, or draft the content for you.

Agents have specialized knowledge that can be a great asset to drafting content that has a consistent. structure. Some Agents are created specifically for collaboration on certain types of content. For example, the Decision Director is designed to work with you on creating, reviewing, and acting on DACI (driver, approvers, contributors, informed) documents.

To collaborate with an Agent on content wherever you’re writing or editing in Confluence or Jira:

  1. Use the shortcut /ai and select Atlassian Intelligence.

    1. This opens the AI editor, where you can quickly access Atlassian Intelligence and Rovo actions.

    2. If you’d like the Agent to refer to a specific section of content, highlight the content, then select AI editor.

  2. Enter the name of the Agent you wish to collaborate with.

    1. If you don’t know the name, you can scroll to the Agents section of the AI editor and select one from the list of your starred Agents.

    2. Alternatively, you can enter Browse Agents to find an Agent that might be able to help you with this content. See more about finding the right Agent to help below.

  3. Once you’ve selected an Agent, enter your prompt. The Agent will respond based on the content of the page, or the text you highlighted.

    1. If you are unsure of what to ask, you can use one the three conversation starters.

To collaborate with Agents via the AI editor, you must have Atlassian Intelligence enabled for that product. If you don’t have Atlassian Intelligence, you can still use Agents via Chat to collaborate on content, but you may need to manually copy or insert the recommendations from the Agent into the page or field you’re writing in.

Finding the right Agent to help

If you need help finding the right Agent for the job and you don’t wish to use any of your starred Agents:

  1. Use the shortcut /ai and select Atlassian Intelligence.

    1. Alternatively, you can highlight part of the content, then select AI editor.

  2. Select Browse Agents. If you can’t find that option, try entering “Browse Agents” into the search/prompt bar within the AI editor. More about browsing for Agents in your organization

  3. From the Browse Agents window, you can review Rovo Agents in your organization.

    1. To help narrow down your search you can type keywords in the search bar, filter by starred Agents, or filter by Agents you created.

    2. If you need to know more about an Agent, use the More menu () and select View Agent to see the full profile.

  4. Once you’ve found the Agent you’d like to collaborate with, select its profile card and you’ll be taken back to the AI editor, with that Agent selected and ready to respond.

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