• Documentation

Duplicate a Rovo Agent

If you’re interested in creating an Agent but aren’t sure where to begin, or if you have an Agent you enjoy working with but want to change something about it, you can use the Duplicate Agent button while you Browse Agents to create a copy of the Agent and edit to your needs. More on editing an Agent

Rovo Agents built with code by Atlassian, third-party creators, or marketplace vendors can’t be duplicated.

Duplicating an Agent allows you to:

  • Rename the duplicated Agent and create a new description for it.

  • Change the following parts of the duplicated Agent to your liking:

    • Instructions. More on writing instructions for agents

    • Knowledge sources (duplicating an Agent won’t give you access to links, projects, or spaces that the original creator had access to)

    • Actions

    • Conversation starters.

The duplicated Agent will now show in the My Agents tab of the Browse Agents screen.

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