• 関連ドキュメント

Create groups to manage access

Regardless of your user management experience, you’ll likely have permission-based groups automatically created. If you are the exception, follow these instructions to create a group with the Viewer permission.

We’ll note these differences in the content below.


To check, go to your organization at admin.atlassian.com and select Directory. If the Users and Groups lists are found here, then you are using the centralized user management. Learn more about the centralized user management



組織管理者として、[ユーザー] は [ディレクトリ ] タブで確認できます。

一元化されたユーザー管理の png

サイト管理者または組織管理者として、[ユーザー] は [Product site (製品サイト)] の下で確認できます。

元のユーザー管理の png






組織内の複数のユーザーが同じ権限や制限を必要とする場合は、admin.atlassian.com でユーザーに製品アクセス権を付与するグループを作成できます。

組織管理者はグループを作成できます。ユーザー アクセス管理者もグループを作成できますが、自身が管理する製品へのアクセス権を付与するグループに限られます。



User roles for Focus

The following roles are available when assigning product role access:

  • Product admin - has full access to all actions in the product (create, add, view, edit, delete) and full access to product admin settings.

  • User - has full access to all actions in the product (create, add, view, edit, delete)

  • Viewer - can view everything in the app. Can star and follow focus areas and Views, but can’t create, add, edit, or delete anything else.

The groups for product admins (focus-admins-sitename) and users (focus-users-sitename) are created by default.


To create a group to manage access for Viewers

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select an organization if you have access to more than one.
    You can also get to Atlassian Access using your site or app switcher at the top left of any Atlassian product; then select Administration.

  2. [ディレクトリ] > [グループ] の順に選択します。

  3. Select Create group.

  4. Enter a group name. We recommend calling it “focus-viewers-<sitename>”.

  5. Add people to the group. You can search for and select existing users or enter an email, which will send them an invite to join your site.

  6. Select Create Group. The new group detail page appears.

  7. Select Add product in the Group product access section. The Add product to group popup appears.

  8. Select the Viewer role for the the Focus product.

  9. Select the User role for any Jira products you want to use as the source for the work items connected to focus areas.

  10. Select the User role for the Goals and Projects products.

  11. 追加 を選択します 。


組織内の複数のユーザーが同じ権限や制限を必要とする場合は、admin.atlassian.com でユーザーに製品アクセス権を付与するグループを作成できます。




User roles for Focus

The following roles are available when assigning product role access:

  • Product admin - has full access to all actions in the product (create, add, view, edit, delete) and full access to product admin settings.

  • User - has full access to all actions in the product (create, add, view, edit, delete)

  • Viewer - can view everything in the app. Can star and follow focus areas and Views, but can’t create, add, edit, or delete anything else.

The groups for product admins (focus-admins-sitename) and users (focus-users-sitename) are created by default.


To create a group to manage access for Viewers

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select an organization if you have access to more than one.
    You can also get to Atlassian Access using your site or app switcher at the top left of any Atlassian product; then select Administration.

  2. サイトの名前と URL を選択して、そのサイトの [管理者] を開き、[グループ] を選択します。

  3. Select Create group.

  4. Enter a group name. We recommend calling it “focus-viewers-<sitename>”.

  5. Add people to the group. You can search for and select existing users or enter an email, which will send them an invite to join your site.

  6. Select Create Group. The new group detail page appears.

  7. Select Add product in the Group product access section. The Add product to group popup appears.

  8. Select the Viewer role for the the Focus product.

  9. Select the User role for any Jira products you want to use as the source for the work items connected to focus areas.

  10. Select the User role for the Goals and Projects products.

  11. 追加 を選択します 。


Get more details about creating groups.



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