Manage users and their product access

You can invite new users to Compass, give existing users access to Compass, and control how users get access to Compass. You can also approve access requests from basic users to give them full user access to Compass.

Invite users to Compass

You can invite users from within Compass or from Atlassian Administration.

Invite users from within Compass

Users with full user or product admin roles can invite other users from within Compass.

You can use this method to invite others only as full users who take up paid seats.

The organization's user access settings (approved domains and user invites) determine when the newly invited full users take up the paid seats. If the organization's user access settings:

  • require admin approval, the invite goes through to Atlassian Administration as an access request; the newly invited full users take up a paid seat only after the organization admin approves the requests.

  • don't require admin approval, new full users take up paid seats as soon as they're invited, regardless of whether they've accessed the product.

To invite users from within Compass:

  1. In Compass, select Teams from the main navigation.

  2. On the Teams page, select Invite users.

  3. Enter names or email addresses and select Add.

The invited users receive an invitation email. They can access Compass upon accepting the invitation.

Invite users from Atlassian Administration

Organization admins and user access admins for Compass can invite users from Atlassian Administration and assign them any Compass role, including basic user, full user, and product admin.

You must be using centralized user management to grant the basic user role in Atlassian Administration. If you are using original user management and want to use the basic user role, contact Support to discuss options.

Learn how to invite users from Atlassian Administration

When you're on the user invitation screen in Atlassian Administration, select the Compass role you want to assign users you're inviting.

Give existing users access to Compass

Organization admins can give existing users access to Compass and assign them Compass roles, including basic user, full user, and product admin. They can also assign the user access admin role to other users.

User access admins can give existing users access to Compass and only assign them Compass roles, including basic user, full user, and product admin.

Learn how to give existing users access to Compass

Control how users get access to Compass

Organization admins can control how users get access to Compass and other Atlassian products.

Users from approved domains and those with invitation links are automatically assigned the full user role that takes up a paid seat. You can't add users as basic users by using these methods.

Learn how to control how users get access to Compass

Approve full user access requests

Basic users can request full user access from within Compass. They can request access only if user invites are enabled for your site. Learn how to enable or restrict user access invites

Basic users can request full users access only once. They won't be able to request access again if their request is pending, rejected, or approved, but their full user role was subsequently removed.

Organization admins can approve or reject access requests from Atlassian Administration. When you approve the access requests, basic users are assigned the full user role, and billing starts for the new full user. Basic users can only use Compass as full users if you approve their requests.

Learn how to approve or deny full user access requests


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