What's in Opsgenie's Android app

For the best experience, make sure to use the Opsgenie app on Android systems with version Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) and above.

Opsgenie Android App V3 is designed to manage alerts easily from your mobile phone. View alerts, on-call schedules, and notification settings and execute actions on them using the Android app.


When first accessing the mobile app after installation, provide a valid Opsgenie account. After tapping the next button, enter a password. If SSO is enabled for your account, your SSO provider's login page is opened in your browser.

If your email belongs to multiple Opsgenie account, you will be prompted to a new field to enter domain name after the email address field.

Users with multiple accounts can switch in between them via button on the top of main navigation:

A screenshot showing how to switch accounts in Opsgenie's Android app.


After registering, push notifications are received according to notification rules.

Receiving notifications plays the designated notification sound even if in silent mode. Change this selection by navigating to My Profile -> Sounds page.

Execute Actions without opening the app: For Android 4.1(JellyBean) and above!

Actions are listed in the push notification for the alert to easily execute.

Pressing Ack acknowledges the alert, Close closes the alert, and Mute pauses receiving notifications from the mobile app, email, voice, and SMS.

A screenshot showing how acknowledge an alert in Opsgenie's Android app.


The dashboard screen appears when the app is opened, displaying:

Your next on-call time: The next occurrence of the registered user’s on-call shift. Also lists the time and schedule name.

Alerts: The number of Critical, Open, Unacked, and Unseen alerts. Tap any group to see the list of alerts under that category.

Incidents: The number of Critical, Open, Unacked, and Unseen incidents. Tap any group to see the list of incidents under that category.

Saved Searches: Previously defined searches appear here for easy access to frequently searched alerts.

Swipe down to refresh the dashboard.

An image of Opsgenie's Android app dashboard.

Alert/Incident List

Check your alerts and incidents and manage them easily on the Alert/Incident List page.

Navigate between alert filters by swiping or tapping the filters on the top of the alert list.

Tap an alert to be redirected to the Alert details page where you can execute actions via the Actions button on the bottom right of the screen.

Execute Actions on Multiple Alerts

Long pressing an alert activates multiple selection mode. Once activated, select all desired alerts. Tap Actions in the bottom right corner and tap desired action to execute on selected alerts. The count is shown for the number of alerts the action is executed for.


A screenshot showing how to take actions on multiple alerts in Opsgenie's Android app.


Refresh the alert list by swiping it down.

Alert Details

Detailed information about your alerts is provided via the alert details page.

There are four tabs on this section which are Detail, Notes, Log and Recipient States. Tap the desired tab to navigate between tabs quickly via the bar at the top of this section. The current page displayed is selected in orange.

The details tab is displayed by default when you navigate to Alert Details section. All information related with alert itself will be displayed on this page. Message, description, tags, conference bridge, and extra properties fields can display HTML content. If there is any attachment(s) attached to the alert, they will also be listed on this tab.


A screenshot showing the detail of an alert in Opsgenie's Android app.

Execute actions by tapping the quick access Ack/Unack and Close actions at the bottom of the alert, or Other Actions to see and execute available actions on the alert.

A screenshot showing actions for an alert in Opsgenie's Android app.

Other Features

Alerts, Who Is On Call, Directory, User Profile, Services, Announcements, Settings, and Mute action are all accessible via the sidebar. Pull from the left side to the right to open the sidebar from any page, or from the menu button seen on the Alert list and Dashboard.

A screenshot showing the menu of Opsgenie's Android app.

Push Notification Sound Settings

Receiving notifications plays a notification sound even if in silent mode. Navigate to "My Profile -> Sounds" page and uncheck the "Always play Opsgenie notification sounds at maximum volume even if the phone is in silent mode" switch to change this setting (orange indicates ON, grey switch indicates OFF).

Customize sounds for each alert action. For example, select an awakening sound for New Alerts and a different sound for Schedule Starts.

A screenshot of sound settings in Opsgenie's Android app.

Google Play - Opsgenie Android App
Direct Download - Opsgenie Android App

Android Wearable Devices

Currently, we do not officially support any Android wearable devices. Some of the Opsgenie functionalities such as receiving push notifications or performing alert actions might work on some Android wearable devices due to the support by the native features of Android, not by Opsgenie.

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