View incident detail on an Android

The Incident Details page shows the Detail, Timeline, Associated Alerts, and Responder Alerts of an Incident.

A screenshot of an incident detail in Opsgenie's Android app.

Add tags to the alert using add tags button at the right of tags field.
Tap the Join the ICC session button to join the Incident Command Center Session.

Take actions via the Actions button on the bottom right of the screen.

Tap the selections on the top bar to navigate between Detail, Timeline, Associated Alerts, and Responder Alerts.

A screenshot of incident timeline in Opsgenie's Android app.

The timeline displayed in incident details is visible by default and is displayed in reverse chronological order.

Add a manual entry to the timeline
You can add a manual entry to the timeline at the bottom of the screen. You can also edit the date/time information of the timeline.


A screenshot of a manual timeline entry in Opsgenie's Android app.


Filter the timeline
To filter the timeline click Filter and select/uncheck the filters you want to include/leave out.


A screenshot showing timeline filter options in Opsgenie's Android app.

Hide/Display Timeline Entries
To hide/display a timeline entry, tap it for two seconds and select "Hide" at the bottom of the screen.

A screenshot showing how to hide a timeline entry in Opsgenie's Android app.

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