Default Quick filters are not available on the Board of a newly created project.
Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
Default Quick filters are not available on the Board of a newly created project.
Expected: Epic, Type and Label
Observed: No default quick filters available.
Jira Cloud: Software project
Confirmed that the Issue type scheme associated with the project includes Epic and other issue types

There are no issues created/displayed on the board.
Quick Filters let you further filter the collection of issues appearing on a Scrum or Kanban board. The Board should have issues displayed along with the below details to have the quick filters displayed.
Type: The project should have issues of at least 2 different issue types created and available on the board for the Type quick filter to be displayed.
Epic: At least 1 issue on the board need to have a parent Epic for the Epic quick filter to be displayed on the board.
Label: Atleast one of the issues displayed on the board should have a Label for the Label quick filter to be displayed on the board.
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