Take action on a focus area

After a focus area has been created, you can take the following actions:

  • Star - marks the focus area as something important that you want to easily get to later from the Starred menu in the left navigation.

  • Export - when you need to add or modify information about funds, you’ll need to export the details and have a product admin import the data for you.

  • Delete - if a focus area is no longer needed, you can delete it. Deleting a focus area doesn’t impact the focus areas, goals, work, or positions that were linked to it.


To star a focus area

  1. Select Focus areas from the left navigation.

  2. Select the focus areas tab.

  3. Find the focus area you want to star and select the star icon on its row. You can also star using the (More actions) menu in the focus areas table or from the (More actions) menu when focus area the details of the focus area.


To export a focus area

  1. Select Focus areas from the left navigation.

  2. Select the focus areas tab.

  3. Find the focus area you want to export and select the (More actions) menu in the focus areas table or from the (More actions) menu when focus area the details of the focus area.

  4. Go to your downloads after the download completes.

Review area the guidance for modifying the data in the spreadsheet.


To delete a focus area

  1. Select Focus areas from the left navigation.

  2. Select the focus areas tab.

  3. Find the focus area you want to delete and select it to focus area its details.

  4. Select the (More actions) menu at the top right.

  5. Select Delete. A confirmation message appears.

  6. Select Delete to confirm the deletion.

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