Score a goal

Goal scoring typically works best for those using the Objective and Key Result (OKR) framework to set and track their goals. OKRs are scored on a 0.0 to 1.0 scale and allow companies to measure performance towards top priorities.

  • A score between 0.0 or 0.3 means the company is off-track and not making real progress

  • A score of 0.7 or 1.0 indicates an OKR is on track and progressing as planned

  • 0.7 is what we consider our target goal. Anything more is knocking it out of the park.

Setting challenging and achievable goals is key to the success of OKRs. While easy goals are uninspiring, setting overly ambitious goals creates low motivation. It's important to find a balance and to review and refresh goals on a quarterly basis.

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