Create and add goals to focus areas

Goals are the strategic outcomes a focus area aims to achieve over a period of time. Adding your organization’s goals to focus areas will unlock new ways to create, track, and adjust strategic priorities to ensure the organization is making the right investments.

Want some guidance on how to create high-quality goals? Check these articles about creating objectives and key results (OKRs) and best practices for goals.

Create a goal

Goals are not a one-size-fits-all concept. There are several types available to ensure that the goals created use the terms you use, have the right amount of details, and provide ways to measure their success.

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The available goal types include:

  • Goal - Represents the strategic outcomes a focus area is trying to achieve within a period of time.

  • Objective - Represents the strategic outcomes a focus area is trying to achieve within a period of time.

  • Key result - Measures how an objective will be achieved. The parent of a key result must be an objective. Key results can’t be directly connected to a focus area.

The details of the Goal and Objective types are exactly the same. The difference really comes down to terminology. If your organization uses an OKR framework, create the Objective type of goal.


To create a goal

  1. Select the Create button in the top navigation.

  2. Select Goal. A dialog displays.

  3. Enter the name of the goal. A name is required, but it doesn’t have to be unique.

  4. Select Goal from the Type menu. This field is required.

  5. Select a Target Date. A date isn't required.

  6. Select an Owner. The person creating the goal is selected by default but can be changed now or later.

  7. Select Create. The goal detail page appears.


To create an objective

  1. Select the Create button in the top navigation.

  2. Select Goal. A dialog displays.

  3. Enter the name of the objective. A name is required, but it doesn’t have to be unique.

  4. Select Objective from the Type menu. This field is required.

  5. Select a Target Date. A date isn't required.

  6. Select an Owner. The person creating the goal is selected by default but can be changed now or later.

  7. Select Create. You can access this goal and others by selecting Goals from the left navigation of Focus.


To create a key result

  1. Select the Create button in the top navigation.

  2. Select Goal. A dialog displays.

  3. Enter the name of the key result. A name is required, but it doesn’t have to be unique.

  4. Select Key result from the Type menu. This field is required.

  5. Select a goal or objective that this key result will measure

  6. Select a Target Date. A date isn't required.

  7. Select an Owner. The person creating the goal is selected by default but can be changed now or later.

  8. Select Create. You can access this goal and others by selecting Goals from the left navigation of Focus.


Add goals to focus areas

Goals can be linked to one or more focus areas. You can also add several goals to a focus area at one time.

To add existing goals

  1. Find the focus area you want to edit by searching for it or by selecting Focus areas from the left navigation and finding it in one of the lists, like All focus areas, Your focus areas, or Following.

  2. Select the focus area you want to add goals to. The focus area details appear.

  3. Select the Goals tab.

  4. Select Add at the top of the table. The goal picker appears.

  5. Search for a goal or choose from the list of recent goals. When goals area added, they appear in the Linked goals section of the picker.


To create a new goal and add it to a focus area

  1. Find the focus area you want to edit by searching for it or by selecting Focus areas from the left navigation and finding it in one of the lists, like All focus areas, Your focus areas, or Following.

  2. Select the focus area you want to add goals to. The focus area details appear.

  3. Select the Goals tab.

  4. Select Add at the top of the table. The goal picker appears.

  5. Select Create goal.

  6. Enter the name of the goal. A name is required, but it doesn’t have to be unique.

  7. Select the Type. This field is required. If you select Key result, you’ll need to select an Objective as its parent.

  8. Select a Target Date. A date isn't required.

  9. Select an Owner. The person creating the goal is selected by default but can be changed now or later.

  10. Select Create. You can access this goal and others by selecting Goals from the left navigation of Focus.

  11. Select Create. The goal is created and is linked to the focus area.

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