Add people to groups

Which user management experience do you have?

To check, go to your organization at and select Directory. If the Users and Groups lists are found here, then you are using the centralized user management. Learn more about the centralized user management

We’ll note these differences in the content below.



As an organization admin, Users is found under Directory tab.

Centralized user management png

As a site administrator or organization admin, Users is found under Product site.

Original user management png



Jump to the


Centralized user management content

After groups exist for each of the roles below, you can add people to them.


User roles for Focus

The following roles are available when assigning product role access:

  • Product admin - has full access to all actions in the product (create, add, view, edit, delete) and full access to product admin settings.

  • User - has full access to all actions in the product (create, add, view, edit, delete)

  • Viewer - can view everything in the app. Can star and follow focus areas and Views, but can’t create, add, edit, or delete anything else.


To add people to groups

  1. Go to Select an organization if you have access to more than one.
    You can also get to Atlassian Access using your site or app switcher at the top left of any Atlassian product; then select Administration.

  2. Select Directory > Groups. The list of all groups appears.

  3. Select Show details for the group to which you want to add users. The Groups page appears.

  4. Select Add group members.

  5. Enter a name or email address in the Add people field and select the name or email address.

  6. Repeat Step 5 until all the people are added.

  7. Select Add people.


Original user management content

After groups exist for each of the roles below, you can add people to them.


User roles for Focus

The following roles are available when assigning product role access:

  • Product admin - has full access to all actions in the product (create, add, view, edit, delete) and full access to product admin settings.

  • User - has full access to all actions in the product (create, add, view, edit, delete)

  • Viewer - can view everything in the app. Can star and follow focus areas and Views, but can’t create, add, edit, or delete anything else.


To add people to groups

  1. Go to Select an organization if you have access to more than one.
    You can also get to Atlassian Access using your site or app switcher at the top left of any Atlassian product; then select Administration.

  2. Select the site's name and URL to open the Admin for that site, then select Groups. The Groups page appears.

  3. Select Add group members.

  4. Enter a name or email address in the Add people field and select the name or email address.

  5. Repeat Step 5 until all the people are added.

  6. Select Add people.


Get more details about inviting users.

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