What are components?
A component is the combined output of a software engineering team, typically tracked in source control. A dedicated team owns, develops, and operates a component.
In a distributed architecture, teams produce many components that are related to each other or depend upon each other. Several related components together form a website, application, or service.
Compass's component catalog gives you a unified view of all information about your components. The first step to build a component catalog is to create components. Learn how to create components in Compass
Compass components are different to Jira components. Jira components are subsections of Jira projects, used to group issues within a project into smaller parts. Learn more about Jira components
Component types
Every component has a type, so you can categorize components based on their capabilities. You set a component’s type when you create it, and can change its type at any time.
The following component types are available in Compass:
Custom* — A type created and managed by a Compass product admin, where they choose names to categorize components their software teams own.
Service — An independently-deployable software unit that is usually is operated by a person or a team. Services can be as large as monoliths or smaller microservices. Service components have a Tier field to indicate how critical the service is to your business.
Library — A reusable collection of objects, functions, and methods. A library is typically used by other components.
Application — A fully-packaged application, like a mobile application, desktop application, or a CLI-type tool.
Capability — A higher-level product functionality that end-users understand and in which they see value. A capability is an abstraction of one or more underlying software components that power it.
Cloud resource — An entity or service provided by a cloud vendor, with consumer-managed configuration and monitoring.
Data pipeline — A sequence of tools and processes used to automate the transformation and movement of data from a source to a target system.
Machine learning model — An algorithm that identifies patterns in a data set and makes predictions over it.
UI element — Reusable building blocks of a design system that meet a specific interaction or user interface need and work together to create patterns and user experiences.
Website — A single web page or a collection of related web pages under a single domain. Websites mainly consist of audio-visual or text content for reading, listening, or viewing. People can't edit, contribute to, or affect the website content. Websites are typically publicly accessible and don't require authentication.
Dataset — A collection of data about a specific topic that can be referenced by code, generally a table.
Dashboard — Data visuals that provide views of key performance indicators relevant to a particular objective or business process.
Data product — A governed, self-contained, cohesive, read-optimized data unit.
Other — A component that doesn’t match the service, library, or application type.
*This feature is available in Compass on Standard and Premium plans.
Component details
All components have a lot of associated information:
a type – service, application, library, or something else
attributes such as ID, name, description, type, owner, and more
relationships with other components in the software architecture
resources such as a source code repository, a Jira project, documentation, and dashboards
scores measuring the health and operational readiness to determine compliance with your organizations best practices
Having this information in a central location simplifies the management and use of your components. Compass brings this dispersed information about your components to one place. Learn how to view a component's details
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