Updating/Adding 'Teams' value failed on 'Sub-Task' Issue Type while setting up via Automation rule

Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


"Team" field is not being updated on subtask via the automation rule.The below error can be noticed in the audit log of the automation rule when the automation rule is executed on subtask on the "Team" field.

Error In audit logs of automation rule Issue 'CLD-XXX' is a subtask, and inherits the team assignment from its parent. (customfield_11600)


Performed test on test issue to understand whether the behaviour of the "Team" value update works on the standard issue Type. If its being updated on the standard IssueType then check the cause.


"Team" field value inherits the value from its parent it can't be updated standalone as per the product design of the advanced roadmap.



Updated on May 31, 2024

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