Get Aggregate Work Logged on the sub-tasks copied to the Parent issue when it completes using Automation

Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


How to get the aggregate Work Logged on the sub-tasks copied to a custom field of the parent issue when the issue is transitioned to Done


Create an automation rule that updates the Sub-Task issues with the value for the Work Logged and then aggregate all the values and update the Parent issue. The summary of the rule:

Automation rule to sum up work logged on subtasks and store them in a custom field on parent

The edit issue action of the Sub-Tasks has the below Smart Value added:

1 {{issue.summary}} - {{issue.timespent.divide(60)}}m
Edit field component in automation rule to update custom field with smart values

The edit issue action of the Parent issue has the below Smart Value added:

1 {{lookupIssues.Encoded URL}}
Automation rule edit issue component to update custom field with smart value

The Parent issue is updated as below:

Same of work log on jira ticket

Updated on May 31, 2024

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