Automation rule | How to find the count of child issues of a specific type under the Epic and store it in a custom field?

Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


This article provides information on the steps needed to create a rule to update a specific custom field with the details of the count of the child issue of a specific type under an Epic.


In order to create the rule to find the count of the child issues of a specific type of Epic (or a custom issue type at the same level) in a specific project, you can follow the below recommendations:

  • You can use a scheduled trigger with the JQL query to specify the project along with Epic.

Schedule trigger
  • Create a related issues branch for the "Current Issue".

  • Perform a lookup issues action with the query to validate the child issue's issue type and the parent:

Lookup Issues
  • Use the Edit Issue action to set the value for the custom field using the smart value: {{lookupIssues.size|0}}

Edit Issue
  • Once the rule has been executed successfully, the field will be updated with the count of the child issues of a specific issue type:

Issue count updated on ticket

Updated on August 23, 2024

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