Atlassian Access の準備と設定

Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard) is an organization-wide subscription that gives you additional features for managing your users, including:

  • SCIM を使用したユーザー プロビジョニング

  • SAML を使用したシングル サインオン

  • セキュリティ ポリシー (2 段階認証の強制など)

In most cases, you’ll need Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard) to use these features. There are some exceptions – our custom integrations, such as Google Workspace and Azure AD for nested groups, provide some user provisioning and single sign-on capabilities without Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard).

To check whether you should use Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard), see the following page.

Atlassian Access とクラウド IdP が必要かどうかを確認する




Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard) uses a different billing model from other Atlassian cloud products. Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard) is billed per organization. This means you only pay once for each managed account in your organization.


クラウド組織にすでに存在しているユーザー アカウントの数を確認してから、移行するユーザー アカウントの数を評価することをお勧めします。そうすることで、サブスクリプションの費用を見積もることができます。


If you have users that shouldn’t be included in your Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard) bill, you can add them to a non-billable authentication policy. These users won’t be covered by the security requirements defined in your authentication policies, such as enforcing two-step verification.



If you don’t want new users who are manually invited, or sign themselves up, to count towards your Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard) subscription, you can choose to make the default policy non-billable.



To unlock Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard) features for your users, you’ll need to verify your domains and claim user accounts for the domain. Unless you decided to use our custom integrations, Google Workspace and Azure AD for nested groups, which will verify your domains during the sync, see the following page.


組織に対して Atlassian Access を有効化する

You can use a 30-day trial for Atlassian Access (soon to be Atlassian Guard Standard). If you need more time, you can also contact our Support team who can extend this trial.

Atlassian Access の利用開始方法についてご確認ください。


準備ができたら、ID プロバイダーを設定します。移行のために ID プロバイダーを設定する方法をご確認ください。
