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Refine the dependencies view of your plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

We have a separate section for documentation about the project timeline that’s included in Jira. Go to the documentation for project-level roadmaps in Jira.


In the Dependencies tab, you can change how issues render using the following filters and options:

Roll-up to

Choose at which hierarchy level you would like to view your dependencies.

In the image below, the story-level task IOS-13 belongs to the epic IOS-6 and is blocking ADR-14, another story-level task, which belongs to the epic ADR-5. Here we see that relationship without roll-up settings applied:

Before applying the roll-up function to the dependency report in Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Software cloud

When rolled up to the Epic level, the dependency view shows a dotted line to indicate that the dependency being referenced is not of the same hierarchy level as your current view. This is because while they have stories that are dependent, the epics are not dependent on each other.

After applying the roll-up function to the dependency report in Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Software cloud

You can view which issues are linked with dependencies by selecting the x links text above the dotted arrow to show the specific issues represented, as shown below:

The flyout window as part of the roll-up function in dependency report in Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Software cloud

Group by

You can also group dependencies based on:

  • Team

  • Sprint

  • Project

  • Parent level issue (such as Epic)

    • When grouping by the parent level task, subtasks are automatically rolled up into the Story-type level. Issues above the parent level won’t be grouped.

Parent issue and child issue are relative terms used to refer to higher-level issues that contain smaller tasks. This concept scales to any hierarchy level:

  • an initiative (parent issue) that contains epics (child issue)

  • an epic (parent issue) that contains stories (child issue)

  • a story (parent issue) that contains subtasks (child issue)

In this documentation, we use initiative, epic, and story in examples to refer to hierarchy levels based on Agile best practices. However, in Jira Software, these labels can be configured by your administrator.

Filter issues

Use the Project, Sprint, or Issue menus to only show issues based on specific criteria.

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