Index summary shows lastUpdatedInIndex very old or new dates
Platform Notice: Data Center Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Data Center platform.
Note that this KB was created for the Data Center version of the product. Data Center KBs for non-Data-Center-specific features may also work for Server versions of the product, however they have not been tested. Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
Even after running a Full Re-indexing, the lastUpdatedInIndex
information from the rest/api/2/index/summaryendpoint is showing very old or new dates than the lastUpdatedInDatabase
. e.g lastUpdatedInIndex":"2023-10-17T09:32:07.000+0000
and "lastUpdatedInDatabase":"2022-08-22T23:59:07.853+0000"
In case this issue is happening, this can potentially cause a performance issue when a Node is spun up because starting from Jira 8.19 version, Jira will look first for an Index Snapshot located at Jira Shared Home, and if the lastUpdatedInIndex
is older than 24 hours (since Jira 8.4.1 older than 8 days), Jira will consider the Index Snapshot invalid and will try to run a Full-Reindexing, taking much more time to be ready.
More information on this: Indexing inconsistency troubleshooting.
Jira 9.x, 10.x
After running a Full-Reindexing and it's completed successfully, on each node run try to access the http://<node-url>/rest/api/2/index/summary URL. The output should look like the following sample.
{"nodeId":"<node 1 ID>","reportTime":"2022-08-22T23:59:09.373+0000","issueIndex":{"indexReadable":true,"countInDatabase":1558032,"countInIndex":1508577,"countInArchive":49455,"lastUpdatedInDatabase":"2022-08-22T23:59:07.853+0000","lastUpdatedInIndex":"2023-10-17T09:32:07.000+0000"},"replicationQueues":{"<node 1 ID>":{"lastConsumedOperation":{"id":17552802,"replicationTime":"2022-08-22T20:02:28.473+0000"},"lastOperationInQueue":{"id":17552802,"replicationTime":"2022-08-22T20:02:28.473+0000"},"queueSize":0}}}
{"nodeId":"<Node 2 ID>","reportTime":"2022-08-22T23:58:59.864+0000","issueIndex":{"indexReadable":true,"countInDatabase":1558031,"countInIndex":1508579,"countInArchive":49455,"lastUpdatedInDatabase":"2022-08-22T23:57:59.463+0000","lastUpdatedInIndex":"2023-10-17T09:32:07.000+0000"},"replicationQueues":{"<Node 2 ID>":{"lastConsumedOperation":{"id":17559107,"replicationTime":"2022-08-22T23:57:59.713+0000"},"lastOperationInQueue":{"id":17559107,"replicationTime":"2022-08-22T23:57:59.713+0000"},"queueSize":0}}}
From the output, we can see the lastUpdatedInDatabase
and the lastUpdatedInIndex
are very discrepant, where we can see the lastUpdatedInIndex
in a future date.
The lastUpdatedInIndex
is a result from the order by updated DESC
With that, if we try to run the JQL above, we should see the first or more issues with the wrong date.
A known bug was reported for the issue: JRASERVER-77055 - CSV import allow future date cause index summary showing inconsistent data
Find what is causing those issues to be in that state.
A possible solution is running an Integrity Checker to fix possible problems related to the affected issues.
In case the integrity checker doesn't help, please feel free to open a case with Atlassian Support.
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