How to calculate Average Time Process Flow in Jira Align

Platform Notice: Cloud and Data Center - This article applies equally to both cloud and data center platforms.

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*Except Fisheye and Crucible


This KB article covers the Average Time Process Flow in the Value Stream Process Step Cycle Time.


The "Average time in Process Flow" is calculated as a result of dividing the Total Days Difference (Number of Days from Start Date to End Date) of Work Items in each Process Step By the Total Work Items Count in each Process Step.


1 2 totDaysCompletedItems = totDaysCompletedItems/intItemsDoneCount So thats Total sum of time spent by each item in each process step/ total count of items


Let's imagine that we have a Value Stream that includes 2 Process Steps (let's name them PS1, and PS2).

For those Process Steps (PS), we have Work Items tied to them and each Work Item has a Start and End Date.

Let's assume, for PS1 we have:

  1. WI1 (Work Item) with 2020/01/01 - 2020/02/02 Start and End dates.

  2. WI2 with 2020/01/10 - 2020/01/30 Start and End dates.

For PS2 we have:

  1. WI3 (Work Item) with 2020/01/5 - 2020/02/10 Start and End dates.

  2. WI4 with 2020/02/10 - 2020/02/18 Start and End dates.

To get the "Avg Time in Process Flow" we calculate the Total Days Difference and Total Work Items Count.

Total Days Difference for the Value Stream is the sum of the Total Days Difference for each Process Step under our Value Stream.

Based on that, we use the following calculations:

  1. For PS1 Total Days Difference = 31 (number of days between start and end dates for WI1) + 19 (number of days between start and end dates for WI2) = 50.

  2. For PS2 Total Days Difference = 35 (number of days between start and end dates for WI3) + 7 (number of days between start and end dates for WI4) = 42.

Total Days Difference ( for our Value Stream ) = 50 + 42 = 92.

Total Work Items Count is the count of all work items tied to each PS under the Value Stream =>

Total Work Items Count = 4 (WI1, WI2, WI3, WI4)

The "Avg Time in Process Flow" = 92/4 = 23.

Updated on March 17, 2025

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