Work with advanced integration settings

This article highlights a new alerting feature that's natively available in Compass which is gradually rolling out to some Compass customers. It may not yet be visible or available on your site.

Advanced settings overview

詳細統合設定で、アラートを最大限にカスタマイズできます。システムによるアラートの作成、クローズ アクションの実行、アラートの自動承認、またはメモの追加のタイミングを定義できます。また、Webhook データから内容を解析し、その解析を動的に利用してアラート コンテンツを生成できます。

The rules execute in top-down order. The first matching rule executes first and it stops evaluating further rules. You can find the actions (Ignore, Create Alert, Close Alert, Add Note) in the Add rule dialog.

The rules are responsible for processing the actions. Every time data lands on the endpoint (or email box), these rules are matched to the data in top-down order. Each of these rules has a filters section.

The first rule matching your alert (with a top-down order) executes the action associated with it. The Alert properties section provides the details of that action. Your alert is created according to the template captured in the Alert properties section.


The advanced settings consist of many different alert scenarios. These scenarios are called “actions” and specify how and when alerts can be created, closed, or acknowledged. Compass provides default actions for every integration. You can customize them and add as many actions as you like. Read more about actions.

アクション フィルター

Every action has a filter section. Compass processes every incoming data associated with your integration. Then it evaluates them against your integration's actions for execution. Read more about filters.

アラート プロパティ

アクションは、[アラート プロパティ] セクションに取り込まれたテンプレートと設定に従って実行されます。


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