View reports of operations

This article highlights a new alerting feature that's natively available in Compass which is gradually rolling out to some Compass customers. It may not yet be visible or available on your site.

View the reports of all on-call teams

Before you view reports of multiple on-call teams, ensure you’re a Compass product admin, and you have Compass Premium.

すべてのオンコール チームのレポートを表示するには、次の 2 つの方法があります。

View reports across all teams

  1. In Compass, go to Operations in the top navigation.

  2. Select Reports. You’ll be able to view the different reports of all the on-call teams across your site.

View the reports of individual on-call teams

Before you can view the report of an individual team, ensure you’re a team admin.


  1. Open Compass, select Teams, and select your team. If you don’t have a team yet, create one.

  2. On the team’s profile page, scroll to the Operations section and select Reports (Note: Reports are still rolling out to some customers and may not be visible or available on your site yet.)

    • Now, you’ll be able to view different types of reports from a single on-call team.

    • オペレーションを使用するチームのみのレポートを表示できます。

  3. Though you’re viewing reports for an individual team, you’ll have a shortcut to view reports of all on-call teams, provided you’re a Compass admin. To do this, find the toggle on the top right side and simply turn on the Switch to reports for all on-call team option.


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。