• 関連ドキュメント

Understand component health

Assess your component’s health with insights into components and their applied scorecards.


  • Ensure you have at least one component assigned to your team i.e, your team is the owner team for at least one component.

  • Ensure your component(s) has at least one scorecard applied.

View your component's health details

  1. Select Teams in the top navigation bar and select your team from the dropdown, or View all teams to find your team. You’ll land on your team’s dashboard.

  2. Select Health details in the left side navigation.

  3. See the high-level rollup of scorecards with the indicator of how many scorecards on that component are passing or failing, with priority given to the failing items.

  4. Select a component to open a more detailed view of the scorecards applied to that component.

  5. View the scorecards listed and see their percentages listed on the right. This shows you which scorecards are passing or failing, and their respective scores.

  6. Select a scorecard under that component to open an even more detailed view that lists the scorecard’s criterion.

  7. View the criterion for that particular scorecard and see which criterion is failing or passing, what their metric thresholds are to pass (if applicable), and their weights which are used to calculate the overall score.

Understand the health details view

The screenshot below explains each part of the health details page with an expanded view.

The health details page with annotations for different parts of the page.
  1. Environment selection for the team’s component activity feed to see events from production or staging environments.

  2. Team component activity feed showing deployments, incidents,

  3. A component this team owns in a list so you can see its scorecard status and criteria met/not met.

  4. A scorecard that’s applied to the component above, and its score for that component.

  5. Criteria not met listed with accompanying information about why it’s not met so you can take action.

  6. The weight of each met criterion to show how this met criterion contributes to the overall scorecard score.


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