Select a permission policy


  • You must be on a Compass Premium plan to access permission policies; upgrade to Premium if you are on a lower tier plan and want to use permissions

  • You must be a product admin to access permission policies

  • Make sure you understand the details of each permission policy and how your team using Compass is impacted by changes you make

Select a permission policy

Compass sites use an open policy by default. Currently, you can use an open or restricted policy to designate who should be able to take which actions in Compass.

Policy changes take effect immediately. Basic and full users will have less access on the restricted permission policy.

Actions by Forge apps and webhooks are not impacted by permission policies.

  1. Select Settings () from Compass’s main navigation. Your current permission policy is shown on the permission policies page.

  2. Select Change policy. You’ll see policy options and how each impacts different users.

  3. Choose the policy that makes sense for you and your software development organization.

  4. Confirm your selection by checking the box provided.

  5. [保存] を選択します。

As we continue to invest in building permissions that work best for you and your team, we may add functionality to an existing permission policy. When new versions of policies are available, product admins will see an announcement in Compass.

Product admins can visit Settings and follow the steps above in order to update to the newest version and implement the latest set of permissions.


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