Integrate Compass with Slack

Slack is a messaging app for business that connects people to the information they need.

Compass currently supports Slack as a tool to:

  • Show rich component data when sending a component link over Slack

Integrate Compass with Slack


Ensure that you are an admin on:

  • the Slack organization that you want to connect with Compass

  • your Compass instance

You can connect only one Slack workspace per Compass instance. Additionally, if you log in to another Atlassian account in Slack, you’ll no longer be logged in for the original Atlassian account that you were logged into.

Perform the integration

If you add and configure the app for Slack in Compass, you don't need to take the steps to add the Compass app to Slack. If you add the Compass app in Slack, you'll also need to complete the configuration in Compass.

Add the app for Slack to Compass

  1. In Compass, select Apps from the top navigation bar.

  2. On the Slack tile, select Install. The app installs.

  3. On the Slack tile, select Configure.

  4. If you haven't already, authorize the app for Slack to access Compass on your behalf. Select Allow access and follow the on-screen instructions.

    • This step appears only once on your Compass instance for each app you install. So, if you've already authorized the app for Slack before, proceed to the next step.

  5. Select Connect to Slack. You’ll be redirected to Slack to log in.

  6. Log in to Slack.

  7. Select Allow to grant the Compass app access to your Slack workspace.

  8. The app then authorizes your Atlassian account with Slack. If you aren’t already logged in with Atlassian, you’ll see an Atlassian login screen. The app for Slack is fully set up and configured.

The app is successfully installed and you’ll receive a welcome message from the app in Slack. You’ll be redirected to Compass, where you'll see the Slack workspace that you connected your site with.

Add the Atlassian Compass app to Slack

  1. Go to the Atlassian Compass app install page in Slack's app directory.

  2. Select Open in Slack and authorize your Slack account and Atlassian account with the app.

  3. Follow the steps listed in the above section to add the app for Slack to Compass for full functionality.

Slack is successfully installed. Go to Slack to see the Compass app installed on your workspace.

When you share a link to a Compass component in Slack, the component’s details like its owner team, component type, lifecycle information, tier, last updated by, and its description are displayed.


Not seeing a prompt to log in when sharing a Compass link to a Compass component? Try sharing the link in a public channel to authorize the app.


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