Create or find teams

A team in Compass is a collection of Atlassian accounts – an Atlassian team. Atlassian teams have members, a profile, work, and resources. The team members collectively work towards achieving a common goal.

Compass uses these Atlassian teams to assign responsibility towards building, maintaining, and functioning of components and to drive best practices that make great software.

For example, a team in Compass can have engineers, an engineering team lead, a product manager, and support personnel who are responsible for a component.

A team is dynamic. People can move in and out of a team or your organization. You can form these teams to best suit your organization’s structure. Compass enables you to track and manage a team’s collective output. It also enables your teams to adopt better ways of working with modern, distributed architecture to accomplish the goals defined by their business.


By starting a team in Compass, you get everyone who works together in one place so they can collaborate and manage their components from a single place. When you start a new team, we create the team’s profile in Compass, which provides information about what the team does, who its members are, and which components the team owns.

When you start a team, you automatically become a member of the team. You can invite up to ten people to the team at a time.

To start a team:

  1. Select Teams from the top navigation.

  2. Under Your Teams, select + Start a team.

  3. Enter your team’s name and invite people from your organization to the team.

  4. Select Start team.

We create the team's profile and take you to the team’s dashboard in Compass.

Search for a team

In Compass, you can search for a team by its name to view its dashboard.

To search for a team:

  1. In Compass, select the search box in the top navigation.

  2. Enter the team’s name. The search results list the teams towards the end, after the components that match your search term. If you can’t find your team, try refining your search term.

  3. Select the team's name to view its dashboard.

Find a team on the Teams page

The Teams page shows all the teams within your Compass site. You can find a specific team or view all the teams that you are a member of.

To find a team on the Teams page:

  1. If you’re not there already, navigate to the Teams page in Compass. Select Teams from the top navigation bar.

  2. To search for a specific team, start typing the team’s name in the search bar.

    • The list displays all the teams with a matching name.

  3. To find the teams that you are a member of, select Your teams.


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