Add Jira issues to Compass scorecards

Bring the work you need to do to fix failing scorecards right into your Jira backlog. While you can also link Jira issues to components, creating Jira issues for scorecards helps your team prioritize specific actions to improve a component's health.


  1. You must be a full user on a Compass Free, Standard, or Premium plan

  2. If you're on Compass Premium with a restricted permission policy, only owners of the component the scorecard is applied to, the scorecard owner, and product admins can create Jira issues for scorecards. If the component is unowned, full users and product admins can all take this action.

  3. You must have a Jira project on the same site as Compass

  4. You must have access to the Jira project you want to create issues for

Create a Jira issue for a scorecard

There are two ways you can create a Jira issue for a scorecard, from the scorecard view on a component, or from the health details page of any scorecard.

  1. Go to any scorecard on a component (Component, then Select scorecard) or go to Health, then Select scorecard to see the table that has the option to + Create issue.

  2. Select + Create issue. If you have a project already connected to Compass, it appears in the Projects list. If not, you’ll be prompted to select a project.

  3. The Jira project you select will be connected to all components with this scorecard.

  4. A dialogue opens to Create Jira issue. A summary is prefilled with some information about what component and which scorecard this issue involves.

  5. Fill out the relevant issue fields. In the description, you may want to add some detail for specific actions your team needs to take to improve the score.

  6. Select Create when you’re satisfied with the issue contents.

The Jira issue link appears on the scorecard and list views. The issue will show the current status and appear on the scorecard until it’s marked done or removed. It also appears in your Jira backlog accordingly.

Remove a Jira issue from a scorecard

On any scorecard or in the list view where the issue link appears, hover over the issue link and select the icon on the link to remove it from the scorecard.

The issue isn’t deleted, and still remains in the Jira project backlog but no longer appears on the scorecard in Compass.


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