PDF Export Fails while using Scroll PDF Exporter from K15

Platform Notice: Cloud and Data Center - This article applies equally to both cloud and data center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


Pdf export fails while using Scroll PDF exporter. This might occur during export to PDF of large spaces. The export might fail partially and get stuck at some point, like 40-50%.


6.3.4 - Reached End of Life



If the K15s scroll PDF exporter is used, instead of Confluence's default pdf exporter, this error could occur and the user might come across the following error messages in the atlassian-confluence.logs:

1 2 3 2020-10-12 14:22:36,645 ERROR [scroll-pdf-export:thread-3] [scroll.exporter.job.ExportJobRunnable] run Exception during export. -- url: /confluence/plugins/servlet/scroll-pdf/api/exports | traceId: d38923c3c8d2aa87 | userName: 43444711 | jobId: 7dedfceb-8fdb-4678-baed-119e3992601f com.k15t.scroll.exporter.pipeline.ExportException: Failed to convert HTML to PDF.


If the space being exported is large, this error can occur. This is because K15 Scroll Exporter does not apply segmentation mode, where the file is split into different parts and exported. This could cause a timeout if the file is large. There is an option in the Scroll PDF exporter to apply segmentation mode, which could help avoid this pattern. 


For bugged exports, enabling the "segmentation mode" feature in Scroll PDF Exporter can lower memory usage and increase performance for large exports.

You can find more information about how to enable this setting in our documentation here: https://help.k15t.com/scroll-pdf-exporter/latest/server/exporting-a-large-number-of-confluence-pages-takes-a-long-time-to-render-the-pdf-165945751.html

Updated on February 24, 2025

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