• Documentation

Assign a component owner

A team in Compass is a group collaborating on a component with a defined responsibility. 

Why is adding an owner important?

Though it is not mandatory, assigning an owner in Compass is important for many reasons:

  • Assign and identify responsibilities that different people have towards managing and operating the component.

  • Inform people who to contact for any information about the component and how to contact them.

  • Ensure component ownership is always current as components and teams come and go.

  • Make component and team discovery in Compass easy. Find a component when you know its owner team or find a team when you know a component’s name.

  • Enable team collaboration to drive best practices for tracking and maintaining the long-term health of components they own.

Begin by viewing your catalog to find components that do not have an owner. Then, assign an owner team to all such components. Also, review the ownership information periodically and ensure that all components have correct owners. Otherwise, change the component's owner team to reflect current ownership.

Assign an owner team to a component

In Compass, you can assign an owner team to a component, if it does not have one. If a component already has an owner team, you can also change the owner team to reflect current ownership.

Here, we’ll show you how to assign an owner team to a component from Compass's UI.

Before you begin

  • Search for your team in Compass to make sure it exists.

  • If it doesn’t already exist, start a new team and then come back here to assign it to the component.

  • Important note: If your site is on a restricted permission policy, once you add an owner team, you won't be able to make changes to that component unless you're a member of that team or a product admin.

If you manage your component via config-as-code, you must also use config-as-code to add an owner. You won’t be able to add an owner via the Compass UI. How to update your component managed via config-as-code

Assign an owner team

To assign an owner team to a component:

  1. Go to your component's Overview page.

  2. Select Add owner team under the No owner team section.

  3. Select an owner team from the Choose owner team dropdown menu.

  4. Select Save.

The component is assigned to the team. You'll see the team's name and its members in the Owner team section on the Overview page. You can also find the component listed on the owner team's dashboard.

You can change the component’s owner at anytime when a different team starts managing the component.

Change a component's owner team

You can change a component's owner team when a different team starts managing the component.

Before you begin

  • Search for your team in Compass to make sure it exists.

  • If it doesn’t already exist, start a new team and then come back here to assign it to the component.

  • You must be a product admin or a member of the current owner team to take this action.

If you manage your component via config-as-code, you must also use config-as-code to change the owner. You won’t be able to change the owner via the Compass UI. How to update your component managed via config-as-code

Change the owner team

To change a component’s owner team:

  1. Go to your component's Overview page.

  2. In the Owner team section, hover over the team's name and select Edit ().

  3. Select a team from the Owner team dropdown.

  4. Select Save.

You'll see the new owner team's name and its members in the Owner team section on the Overview page. You can also find the component listed on the new owner team's dashboard.

If a component becomes deprecated or none of the teams maintains it, you can remove the component's owner team.

Remove a component's owner team

Sometimes, a component is deprecated, or none of the teams maintain it. In such situations, you can remove a component’s owner team.

If you manage your component via config-as-code, you must also use config-as-code to remove the owner team. You won’t be able to remove the owner via the Compass UI. How to update your component managed via config-as-code

To remove a component’s owner team:

  1. Go to your component's Overview page.

  2. In the Owner team section, hover over the team's name and select Remove ().

  3. Select Remove.

We'll remove the owner team from that component.

If any team starts maintaining the component, you can assign a team to the component.

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