Bitbucket Server or Bitbucket Elasticsearch Windows service fails to start due to a logon failure

Platform Notice: Data Center Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Data Center platform.

Note that this KB was created for the Data Center version of the product. Data Center KBs for non-Data-Center-specific features may also work for Server versions of the product, however they have not been tested. Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


The Bitbucket Server or the Bitbucket Elasticsearch Windows service does not start and throws "Error 1069: The service didn't start due to a logon failure".


Bitbucket Server running on Windows and installed as service.


The following error is thrown by the Windows Service Manager when attempting to start the Bitbucket Server or Bitbucket Elasticsearch service:

Error 1069: The service didn't start due to a logon failure.


The issue usually occurs if you:

  • Provided a wrong account password when configuring your service.

  • Changed the password of the account used by the service, and have not updated this information in the service.

  • The account's password expired automatically.

  • A System Administrator has changed the password.


Double-check if the password set for the service(s) are correct and update them accordingly.

Editing the account used by a service application

  1. Open the Windows Service Manager (you can access it from Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools or the Start menu when you type services).

  2. Find your service (e.g. Atlassian Bitbucket or Atlassian Bitbucket Elasticsearch) and double-click it to open its properties (or right-click it and select Properties).

  3. You can edit the service account on the Log On tab. Make sure to provide the correct password for the selected account. If the Local System account radio button is selected, change it to This account, select an account and provide the correct password.

    (Auto-migrated image: description temporarily unavailable)

Please follow the instructions from Running Bitbucket Server as a Windows service when installing Bitbucket Server as a service on Windows.

For more information on the error and further troubleshooting, please check this external page: Troubleshooting Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure

Updated on March 12, 2025

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