Webhook fails without an error message

Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


The webhook fails without an error message when the webhook payload exceeds the limitation size of 256 KB. 


Bitbucket Cloud


When triggering a webhook with a payload larger than 256 KB, the webhook fails silently without displaying any error message.

The Bitbucket team is aware of this behavior. There is already a feature request to improve the error message in this situation.  

Limit/warn when reaching the limit or raise the value for webhook description size of 256 KB

Please vote for the feature request if this behavior affects your service. 


The cause of this behavior is that Bitbucket Cloud has a limitation of 256 KB for the webhook payload. You can see this limitation on Troubleshoot webhooks page.

The Bitbucket commit is part of the Webhook payload. You may experience the issue when the Bitbucket commits message is bigger than 256 KB.


Decrease the commit messages to a size smaller than 256KB.  

Still having problems?

ContactAtlassian Support. We'll be happy to advise you. Please include as much detail as possible, where applicable:

  • Logs from the affected application (if applicable)

  • Screenshots of the error message (if they're not covered in logs)

  • Information about the steps you've taken previously

  • Webhook details including payload

Updated on February 25, 2025

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