Automation rule to transition a Parent issue to "In Progress" when its first Sub-task is moved to "In Progress"
Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
Jira automation rule to automatically transition a Parent issue to In Progress when its first Sub-task is moved to In Progress.
The solution below was devised from this community post. An overall view of the automation rule can be seen in:

1. First, we execute this rule whenever an issue is being transitioned - by using the Issue transitioned trigger. a. Set To Status = IN PROGRESS b. Leave From Status blank or set a Status if you need to specify one. Learn more about transitioning an issue with automation.

2. Next, we use the Issue fields condition to check if the Issue that triggered the rule is a Sub-task:

3. Then we branch off for the Parent using the Branch rule / related issues branch

We now check with a Related issues condition that some Sub-tasks are In Progress:
We also check with the Issue fields condition that the Parent issue is not currently In Progress:
If those are true, then we transition the Parent Issue to In Progress:
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